

Welcome to my blog. I’m not as regular as I used to be so if you perchance land on my site, I do hope you enjoy the past travel stories and I hope to start back again someday.

Tasmania - one of my fav places in Oz - East Tassie

Tasmania - one of my fav places in Oz - East Tassie

Not sure where to begin when talking about Tasmania, but the one thing I have to say is that it is the most underrated state of Australia. It is beautiful. From the mountains, to the beaches, the national parks and even the cities, though small, are adorable. 

The plan for Tassie started with the decision to go to the Falls Music Festival for New Years and so we planned our 10 days around it and soon it became a camping trip. Yes me camping. Now most people that know me would just go whaaat? but honestly it was such fun. We (rather my friend) planned it perfectly, with breaks at cute little B&Bs in between destinations. 

Along our drive to Freycinet

Along our drive to Freycinet

Hobart was literally a day visiting Salamanca for breakfast and then a drive around the gorgeous Battery Point to see how the better half live and where we were sure we are going to retire. We were then off on our way to Freycinet National Park. Being the holiday season everything was really booked but we managed to find a hidden free camp site, Whitewater Wall mainly known by rock climbers and we could tell why, it was a beautiful spot with open views to the ocean, right on the cliff.

Whitewater Wall campsite

Whitewater Wall campsite

Whitewater wall campsite - rock climbers path

Whitewater wall campsite - rock climbers path

As I mentioned we aren't seasonal campers so we had our lovely little convenient pop-up tent ready in minutes :) and after our first nights sleep playing Cards Against Humanity, we took in the beautiful sky full of stars and were ready for bed. 

The next morning was an early start suggested by a fellow camper and ex-park range. You need to get there before 10am for sure if you wish to find a park at the foot of Mount Amos, which really does get super busy especially during the holiday season. Geared up and totally not prepared for how hard this climb was going to be since it only mentioned a 3 hours return trip we headed off. Only 20 mins in and we could already see the boulder and how much grappling would be involved. But nothing prepared me for the mid-point of the climb where it is literally just a steep vertical strip with very few boulder and for the first time ever I knew what the fear of heights would be or rather the fear of slipping and dying!

Now I am by no mean one of these extremely fit people and haven't had much experience climbing but the one piece of advice I can give it take your time, go slow, don't rush and make sure each step is well grounded before you take the next. With some very supportive friends we all managed to get to the top and look at our reward - it is breathtaking. We spent 2 hours up there just refusing to go down, mainly because the view was just too unreal to leave and a bit also cause we didn't want to face that mid-point going down. 

wineglass bay

wineglass bay

Feeling very proud of ourselves we tried to find one of the smaller hidden beaches to have a lay and eat our lunch, of the mean there ours was Richardson Beach from where we could see the mountain we just climbed and view actually reminded me of San Sebastian view :) A relaxed rest of the day and the following day we made our way down the east coast towards our stop in a place with a proper bathroom before we hit the next 3 days of camping at the falls. Orford is a cute little town by the river and the pizza place there really has some good food and wine though remember everything closes as early as 8pm there.

And so cleaned and excited we were on our way to the Falls Festival in Marion Bay! Luckily we were there early and didn't end up in too much traffic along the way, by around mid-day we were there ready to set up and have our three days of music, food, drinks and dance! Its a great venue, the main stage over looks the bay, the organisation was amazing, the staff were super helpful with free sunscreen and water whenever you needed, and boy did we need them often even though one of the days was probably one of the wettest there. There was a lot more that went down at the fest as you can only imagine but i leave the shenanigans to your own imagination :)

West Tassie - Cradle Mountain

West Tassie - Cradle Mountain

