Torres del Paine - day 2 - dest 5
The gorgeous sunrise over the towers
Day 2 is meant to be a lot easier than Day 1 and so it was though we had our own challenges. We started out great, a lovely breakfast, getting packed into the big bag as the whole day was with the big rucksack. The sun was out, the sky was blue with a bit of drizzle but not much and we were still exhilarated from seeing the towers in such perfect weather. The sunrise over the towers and a gorgeous rainbow had us excited for the day ahead.
Our first rainbow of the day
The first 2 to 3 hours was pleasant. We saw at least 3 more rainbows and one double rainbow and the whole walk is along this gorgeous green glacier lake. There are some lovely rolling hills on the other side that are covered in green and look really super picturesque. There were also a lot more rivers and bridges and marsh lands that we passed.
Rainbows before we hit the rain
Our way back down
Our spot for a snack was perfect, it was just after crossing one of the bridges and right by a beautiful waterfall. You honestly feel completely alone. The paths weren’t super full or crowded which was great so you get your moments of silence in nature and feeling very alone and well small compared to everything that’s around you.
The panoramic lake view along which we walked all of day and you can see the clouds coming in
Our snack spot but the waterfall
And so we went non stop and the first time we took the bags off was cause Mother Nature was calling and the moment the bag was off and you took your first step I felt like you do when you just off a boat, the feeling of unbalance and dissyness was so strange. You feel so so light it’s weird I mean literally light as a feather suddenly compared with the load. Your balance is all off. Putting it back on was hard and then the next 3 hours got worse.
The rain then started, a lot heavier and the rest of our way was completely overcast and so all the rain gear was to go on. There was also a fair bit of going down hill which everyone says is easier but actually it was so much worse on my foot (which has a nerve issue so basically I’m in constant pain) and knee (broken left knee). And even though it wasn’t half as strenuous as day 1, I was in a lot of pain, clearly cause of the first day and the rain really didn’t help. I was actually irritable and just annoyed with the rain. But honestly proper waterproof clothing is god sent. Spend money on it cause there is nothing worse than being wet! My bottoms aren’t the best quality but the top was perfect and so was my backpack and shoes and socks.
Finally we turned the last mountain and were so happy to see Refugio Los Cuernos. With a bit of difficulty finding the path to the bride we couldn’t wait to get inside to be dry! I needed to relax a bit before conversing and made it to the common area to join Anna a while later.
Two hours after us arriving, we saw Shasha and Alistar come in. The poor guys looked broken. They had gone up to Torres for sunrise, come back down and then did the day we did. We all really needed a drink and feel human again. That night we met Maria as well a lovely Danish girl also travelling alone. She was a pro hiker though and had done some great trips before. After the crazy day it actually turned out to be a really fun night together, getting over the miserable weather. It always helps knowing you’re not alone in the misery.
Our last bridge crossing to the Refugio