Remenising the good times - Avoca
So your having the shittiest week or rather month ever, you finally pull yourself together and get out of it, things are going good, and then suddenly it’s all gone again and we’re back to crappy end of day. That is when I just want to get the hell out of here. All I can think of is wide open blue skies, mountains, green patches and silence by a lake with my book and people that don’t make me feel incompetent - Made me think of our second girls’ trip.
The people I went on the holiday that inspired to begin this blog, our group of 10 girls, expats from another country making Sydney their home. Well we took a second trip, up the central coast to Avoca. It’s the first time I’ve been up to the central coast for a weekend. We booked a holiday home for the weekend, our first choice being Macmasters Beach House but landed up staying at Ocean Breeze, pretty cool house to fit us all comfortably.
The basic idea was to get away from the city and take a break for our friends Natascha’s birthday (exactly what i need right now). It worked wonders, we all managed to get there in different ways. With just one car available the rest of us managed to catch a train up to Gosford and then the bus to Avoca, sounds a bit long but when your with the right people, it really doesn’t matter. All we did weekend long was sit around, eat, drink and gossip. Thats not to say we didn’t get any exercise, we all went boating and kayaking, with a particular incident of the paddle boat getting trapped in seaweeds - not my story to tell ;-)
It is a cute little place, with the beach just minutes away from our house. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t in our favour but with a group of 9 girls you can’t possibly get bored. We didn’t get to have a beachy summer holiday but we got the break we needed and of course a little bit of shopping never hurt anyone.
That is all I can think of at the moment, a break from this never-ending cycle of boredom.